Hello lovelies,
With everything happening in the world, I hope that everyone has become slightly more mindful and grateful for Mother Earth. Today marks Earth Day's 50th anniversary and to commemorate it, I thought I would share a few things you can do to fluff up your eco-ego.

1) Make one small change
Turn off the lights in your home when you aren’t using them, shorten your shower by 5 minutes, turn off the sink when you brush your teeth, or switch to compact fluorescent bulbs that are more eco-friendly. If everyone made one small change it could have a huge impact!
2) Plant your own garden
One thing I realized from the Covid-19 pandemic is that it would have been lovely to have my own little herb garden. Not only would it come in handy during a pandemic, but it's organic. How awesome is it to know that your own produce is used in your meals? Can't get any more fresh than that!
3) Reduce your carbon footprint
This essentially includes everything on this list, but there are few other things I wanted to highlight here, such as reducing the use of plastic. I do my absolute best to have reusable water bottles and we always use real plates, forks, knives etc. instead of plastic.
4) Try "Meatless Monday" or "weekday vegetarian/vegan"
Start experimenting with some delicious plant based meals. Start with one meal and then add another and another. The options are endless! It definitely is an adjustment, so ease into it!
5) Use re-usable bags
Of course, I would not recommend taking your reusable bags to the grocery store amidst the current pandemic. However, it's a great habit to keep up on the regular when things go back to normal. I always keep one or two in my car or a tiny one in my purse.
6) Green your make-up routine / beauty products
Finding products that are packaged and bottled in recycled materials is an easy first step. Also consider using fewer products or products with few chemicals and additives. Of course this is harder than it sounds, but try to be sensible and practical. If you cannot green up your entire beauty routine, start with products that you reapply and use regularly. Just be mindful and it will become second nature.
I hope you enjoyed these tips and I would love to hear what you'll be doing to celebrate Earth Day 2020!
Big T