Cheers to a good week ahead and to checking off check boxes on my various to do lists! There are so many small tasks that are just tedious and I frankly never make time for. Here is my way of getting things done:
Plan your wake up time.
Yes, this is #1 because I love to sleep and if I don’t schedule it, I’m sleeping the entire day.
Make schedules and deadlines.
Literally plan and carve out a time slot for every single task for the day and set deadlines for when you want to accomplish a task. It’s important not to over-schedule yourself either. Take on what you know you can accomplish so that you don’t feel overwhelmed!
Do not be indecisive and do not procrastinate
I am notorious for this. I’ll just wait a long time to get things done (with no valid reason) or I’ll flip flop back and forth. Trust your gut and do what feels right. Even if it doesn’t work out, there is always an alternative!
There is no way you can do everything by yourself. Ask for help when you need it. This will also alleviate your workload and stress.
Work hard
Put in an effort where an effort is needed. Staying organized is not all that easy but the long term results will make you so much happier!
What are some things that you do to get things done?
Big T